eCAMP Resources

Online Resources To Help You Succeed

Come out and celebrate the Cultural Expressions Madiba Award Winner taking place on Saturday evening February 3rd, 5-10 PM, at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate. Click here for details

The justice and antiracist work of e-CAMP MENTORing is also propelled by the early life experience of Sonia Clarke (wife of Dr. Leroy Clarke), who grew up in the UK in the late 1960s and has written and published an essay on how she survives the trauma of racism. Clarke, S. (2023). First Year Winner: Against All Odds: WRIT 1700, Writing: Process and Practice. CD: Jon Sufrin. Noteworthy: The LA&PS Writing Prizes, 7(1). Click here to read the article!

Links For Your Success

Earnings of Postsecondary Graduates By Fields of Study In Canada, 2016 Report

This Economic Insights article documents age-adjusted mean earnings by detailed field of study among 25- to 54-year-old university and college graduates who worked full year, full time in 2010. The data are drawn from the 2011 National Household Survey.

Go Down, Moses - Presentation by Dr. Leroy Clarke, February 6th, 2016, New Life SDA Church

Information to be added by Dr. Clarke...

Children's Online Monitoring Software

Information to be added by Dr. Clarke...

American Academy of Science Ethics in Science and Engineering

Information to be added by Dr. Clarke...

Black History: Journey to Justice

Information to be added by Dr. Clarke...

Video Resources


Collaborate With Your Fears To Find Freedom

Leroy to add info...


Mindfulness: Make It A Part of Your Own Journey

Leroy to add info...